Eight Things To Consider When Designing Your Website

Eight Things To Consider When Designing Your Website

If beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, then there’s nothing you can do design-wise to make everyone love your site. So the tips on this post aren’t meant to help your website appeal to everyone.

Rather, what you should aim for — what the tips below can help you achieve — is professionalism in your design so that your site will resonate with as many people in your niche as possible.

  • Purpose

Your website has a purpose and that should reflect on every aspect of the design—including every page. The design should make it easy for visitors to understand that purpose and engage with it. For instance, entertainment websites are designed with ease of navigation in mind, and they feature dynamic content like podcasts, slideshows, and videos for easy engagement.

  • Communication

The internet is swarming with a lot of information, and sites are competing to get explored. This means that if your website fails to communicate easily and quickly to a visitor, that visitor wouldn’t hesitate to move on to the next site.

Therefore, make the information on your website easy to digest. Don’t clutter your website up with too much unnecessary content and design bits. Navigation should be easy to locate. Use headlines and subheadings. Use short sentences and paragraphs instead of long lumpy ones.      designsite

  • Typefaces

Avoid fancy fonts. They make for obscure communication.

Generally, Sans Serif fonts like Verdana and Arial work best. They are modern, bare of unnecessary decorations, and easy to read. Don’t use more thanthree different fonts in your design. If you are going to use three, their sizes should vary, depending on their purpose. For example, 16px is the ideal font size for reading online; use that for the content of your website.

  • Colours

According to Kissmetrics, 85% of shoppers consider colour when making their purchase decisions. This is a good reason for you to be colour-conscious when designing your website. Check the meaning of colours you want to use to ensure they suite your brand.

Also, three colours are ideal for your design—a primary colour (spread over 60% of your design), a secondary (spread over 30% of design for contrast), and an accent one (10% for adding elegance to the design).

  • Images

Selecting images for your website shouldn’t be a random process. Neither should‘choosing their sizes and positioning’.

Some people go as far as hiring an illustrator or a photographer. You should do the same if you can. Or you could buy stock photos. The main issue is making sure that the images you select suite your brand and niche. Also ensure that their sizes and positioning are strategic and work to enhance your design—not hamper its flow and structure.

  • Navigation

How easy is it for visitors to move around and take actions on your website? That’s the question navigation begs. If a half of your site visitors can’t find what they are looking for within three clicks, then your navigations need revamping.

Your navigations should be easy to find, concise, and consistent.

  • Layouts

A layout gives your website structure. It’s the foundation and pillars that support the rest of your site. Without it, your website will slump into a mess. Using grid-based layouts will help you organise the content of your website into sections of columns and boxes and give it balance and order.

  • Mobile

In a world swarming with smartphones and other mobile devices, a website design that isn’t optimised for mobile views is potentially sacrificing over a half of the total traffic the site could garner. There are two ways to optimise your website for mobile devices: either you create a dedicated mobile site for it or you make the layout responsive. If traffic still suffers with this in place, you can get a different hosting package. VPS from Open host is a good option.

Of course, knowing these rules doesn’t make the process of designing your website a piece of cake. Sorry, but there is no magic wand. What these tips will do for you is make the time you spend designing your website more productive.

Keep them close by and refer to them to ensure you get each aspect of your web design right,

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